
I have this cousin. I don't know how we are related? His Dad and my Mom are 2nd cousins?

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How would this cousin and I be related then?




  1. Jay nailed it.

    1st cousins share grandparents.

    2nd cousins are children of above, and share gr grandparents.

    3rd cousins are children of 2nd cousins, and share gr gr grandparents.

  2. You guys are third cousins.

  3. If you are in the same generation, you just add 1 to the degree.

    Children of 1st cousins are 2nd cousins.

    Children of 2nd cousins are 3rd cousins.

    Children of 3rd cousins are 4th cousins.

    and so on.

    Removed is when you are not in the same generation. You keep the degree and add one "removed" for every generation.

    Your mom's 2nd cousin is your 2nd cousin once removed.

    Your grandmother's 2nd cousin is your 2nd cousin twice removed.

    Your great grandmothe's 2nd cousin is your 2nd cousin three times removed.

    And so on - if the cousin is a 1st, 3rd, 4th - or a 12th, for that matter - again, you keep the degree and add removeds.

    Removeds go "down" family trees too. If your 1st cousin has a child  (grandchild), those children will be your 1st cousins once and twice removed.

  4. you would be 3rd cousins

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