
I have this dream... i loved it untill the ending.?

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Ok so it starts out on a boat house where there was a girl beautiful cute all we did was stare at each other like we were in love we holded hands smiled and walked together stareing at each other like we were in magical love just cant be explained it was so magical after like 5 mins in my dream. me and this girl have been dateing for over 2 years then we're coming close to the end, were in this house and outside was this lion it started attacking her. so i did my best to pertect her and i did so she kissed me on the cheek and hugged me then she sat down on the stairs and this is the weird part that i hate.. she stared at me in saddness and then she started ageing she turned 20 then 30 then 40 and suddenly her neck just snapped off and her dad laughed and i started crying for about 30 mins in my dream then i woke up.... i cant stop thinking about this dream.. does it mean anything???




  1. I'm not sure if your dream means anything, it could have been hearing about a lion attacking someone BUT - - -

    I would consider these things - have you recently broken up with a girl and felt like her father was the reason of the breakup?  

    has it been a while back and you were thinking about what could have been?  

    Are you in the course of making a career or educational choice?  

    Be aware of the fact the lion is symbolic of a force you may be vulnerable to.  Be wise in your decisions.

  2. I think you are afraid of aging.

  3. well... maybe you saw a movie that kind of scared you or your just having family problems and your brain is starting to have some odd dreams based on those problems.

  4. My interpretation:  This girl represented "magical love" or true love & you feel like no matter how strong a connection you have with someone you will not be able to hold on to that relationship or protect it over time.  The lion is something outside waiting to destroy the love... her dad, strong male figure was amused... possibly representing a strong figure in your life who preaches this theory of "love never lasts" to you.

    True love died in your dream... was actually ripped apart... possibly you have had a perfect relationship fall apart by a doubting partner, or parental impact.  Or you are in a relationship that you fear the parents don't like you?

    I can't help but, notice that you are female and the love was female in the dream.  If you are g*y, or think that you might be... then all of the above are VERY likely since you have to deal with the reality that a lot of the world is against your relationship... and parents usually play a strong role in making their homosexual children feel like they can never have a normal or real relationship since they can't get married or have children together.  So, you are more likely to feel like a true or magical relationship is not likely to survive time or the sinical eye of loved ones.

    The strongest themes would be that true love can't last no matter how much you try to nurture it, because the moment an outside force has a chance it will destroy it... a parent figure will be happy at the demise of the relationship.

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