
I have this friend and she's driving me crazy please help!?

by  |  earlier

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I have this friend and........... she's so annoying!!! She told me she just wanted to jump me for being smart. And don't you not tell people if you don't want to give them a gift. And she always told me when I was baby I would cry and I was soooo annoying. So I would say "But I was only baby" then she would say "and remember when you were 7 you cut your ear at that party and cried talk about ruining a party" In my mind I was like YOU were the one who spinned me in my chair and I fell out and cut my ear. Also she kept telling me "You're brother was always cuter and better than you and my cousin way better than yours" She always bringing out pictures and videos of her cousin which are cute but my gosh when I brought my cousin "Yeah whatever look at my cousin" and she never supported anything I did and just tried to pull me down. Well what do you think?




  1. You both seem really annoying.

  2. Ignore her and don't give her any attention when she's acting like this. Just walk away and do something else. It sounds like she just wants all the attention and thinks she is superior to you and your life, in fact she may even be doing this because she's jealous of you.

    If she continues the behavior and ignoring doesn't work then you need to talk to her about it.


  3. You are both to your mother.

  4. I know exactaly what you are going through.. because i too have had this problem with a friend of mine... such as even if you try to talk it out they dont want to listen to you... what i have found to make things a little easier is try just slowing down the hanging out, and only talk to her once in awhile beecause it just seems that the two of you get irratated with eachother...

    try it out i know shes your friend just sometimes friends need there worked for me

    i hope things work out for you :)..

    and no your not childish for this one bit it happens alot

  5. yes this is a little child ish but if that were my friend i would not be her friend anymore REALLY i wouldnt let anyone treat me that way

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