
I have this friend that i like and whenever there is a party he's always fairly drunk, should we hook-up?

by  |  earlier

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He doesn't have a girlfriend.

And he's never drunk enough to not remember anything.

And when hes drunk he's not a jerk either.




  1. uhhh well if he is drunk and your not you can get charged with rape and u dont want dat do u? and even if u do have s*x while ur both drunk dat rape i think?

  2. ask him before he's drunk

  3. You have to take him as he is if you want to maintain friendship.

    If not say good bye to him.

    You have only one choice in life - Take it or Leave it. Yes or No. No via medias.

  4. No! It doesn't matter how drunk he is, if he's drunk its called taking advantage!

    Speak to him when he's not drunk, hook up then, go out for coffee or just have a chat and ask him if he wants to go out sometime.  Things might escalate from there! Xx good luck

  5. if u like him go out with him a few times but he if he keeps going drunk dats not gunna hlep him if u guys actually did get married cause h**l just take alll the money and buy Beer.but if he doesnt go overboard u should try it out

  6. pretend ur drunk.. lol  

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