
I have this friend who keeps hating me then liking me what should i do??

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Im a girl and theyre only a friend..Im still a kid.. so what should i do?




  1. Well Ive Had The Same Friend For 10 years And  Im Now  The God Mother  Of Her Son And I Dont Live In The Same State As They Do Anymore, But We Have The Same Relationship Just When They Hate U Find A Reason To Make Them Laugh And Like U Again I Normally Use Text Messaging......It Really Works But U Have To Be Patient.  We Have Been Threw More Fights But Have Made It This Far.

  2. well leave this friend,,or just talk 2 her/him,,and tell her/him what u feel,,if she/he doesnt react much,,then leave him/her

  3. You should kick her to the curve.....Tell her that you do not have time for her mean attitude.....Find some friends who are there all the time....

  4. Get some more friends ..... this is an attempt at controlling you.  

  5. idk u r going to have to make that decision for yourself but a real freind is your friend all of the time not some of the time it is better to learn this young.  

    Someone once told me that if you go through life and have one friend that is there no matter what then you have accomplished something at the time i too was young and thought it was c**p but now that i am older i have come to realize how right it is.

    this person was my father not biological but real, he taught me many things and he passed away four years ago but he is up there smiling down on me and helping out the big man because he is that way

  6. tell her you arent a faucet....and if she doesnt stop the on again off again routine you will be forced to let her go..

  7. Find some new friends.  

  8. They're using you. When they don't have anyone to hang out with, they hang out with you. When they have friends, they ditch you. Am I right? Drop her/him/them. They're not worth your time. Go find some real friends, people who stick by your side not because they have no one to hang out with, but because they truly like you for you.

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