
I have this inflatuation for a friend, who is 23. I'm 28.?

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He and I are friends within a group of other friends. I have no idea if he returns the same feelings, or not. What do I do in this situation? I have never dated within my friendship circle before, and don't really know if I should do anything about these feelings. One would think being 28 years old, I'd know what to do, but I've never been *in love* before, and this feels very close it it...maybe, I dunno.




  1. It is called infatuation.But I like the way you have put your feelings forward.You are bit of a daring. Just ask him what would he choose with you?friendship or friendship on fire? Go ahead and ask him.You can do it who address his desire in that way.

  2. Talk to him. Try flirting a little and see how he responds. Tread carefully. You don't want to ruin your friendship.


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