
I have this item called 8in1 marvel aid antibotic for all birds?

by Guest59832  |  earlier

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i ordered an item called eight in one marvel aid antibiotic for birds but i don't know if you have to mix it with water or just pour some in the water dish




  1. The active ingredient in this product is sulfadimethoxine which is commonly used to treat coccidia in birds.  Unless your bird actually HAS coccidia or another susceptible organism, this will be of no benefit to your bird.  Moreover there is always a question of doing harm by treating a bird with a medication which isn't needed - or of treating them with a dosage that isn't appropriate.  Bottom line is you should consult an avian vet first.

    According to the directions, this product is meant to be used full strength and as the sole source of drinking water, providing fresh solution every day for five days.  If you absolutely must use this, watch your bird carefully to make certain it is drinking.  If it doesn't like the taste, it may not drink AT ALL.

    Good luck.



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