
I have this manger who is very violent towards other crew and me he shouts at you in front of all the customer

by  |  earlier

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Chucked things around, push crew members around, and much more but he doesn’t get sacked because he is the boss son so can you suggested some things that I can do plus I don’t want to loss my job




  1. This would be an awkward place to work, if this is a franchise go to the top, if it is a family owned business, well blood is thicker than water, i suggest finding another job.

    Good Luck, I feel so sorry for you being in this position,

  2. Call your corporate office and complain. Most compnaies will let you complain annonymously......good luck. Or even write a letter.....

  3. speak to his father if he is a reasonable man, or leave and find another job.  If you speak to his father be nice about it and tell him how his beahaviour makes you feel

  4. Just go find another job. Now you can claim experience and possibly start at a higher wage than you earn now.

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