
I have this mouse?

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Well, Before school ended my Bio teacher was going to feed this mouse to the snake.. Long story short, I saved the mouses life.

But now he looks kind of lonely.. Ive been thinking about buying him a friend.

If I where to buy him a friend would he like it, or try to kill it? =p




  1. go get that mouse and soon you will have mice, many more mice

  2. you should first find out if the mouse you have is male or female. with mice, 2 males are more likely to fight, whereas 2 females would get a long better; and we all know what would happen with a male and a female. Males are easy to detect once of age, but be wary of buying from a pet store, as you are likely to get a prego female. If you think your mouse is lonely, you can try to play with it more. A single animal will bond quicker with its human than if you had a pair.

  3. well, males don't get along well.

    they would fight a lot and might even kill each other.

  4. Dear Mouse Inquirer,

    You need to prepare for both ways. Your mouse might love it, but also might hate it. You need to be prepared to buy a cage immediately if you see them starting to fight.

    There is also, of course, a chance that your mouse will love the new friend! If so, power to you!

    Good luck with your mice,

    Pet Rodent Expert

  5. Well, you don't want to put them together in a cage (especially putting the new mouse in the old mouse's cage; that can be deadly), you need to put them in a place that is neutral ground (I put my hamsters in a cage that neither of them had been in, thus, there was no need to protect an environment that wasn't theirs, so they ended up being very friendly (more interested in the cage than each other).

    If and when you put them in a cage together, remember to have several toys in the cage for them to play with (wheel, treats, tunnels, etc.) ; they'll be too interested in the toys to fight.

    On the first day you put them together, do not do not do NOT leave them by themselves; you could be gone for ten minutes and return to find two very defensive mice attacking one another, or find one dead. If they're too aggressive towards each other, and fight (not playing, really fighting), you'll need to get a seperate cage for the second mouse.

  6. He would definitely be happy.  Mice are social creatures and love to snuggle up together and play. I have three, they're the cutest things!
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