
I have this old surf board with a hole about the size of a half-dollar coin...?

by  |  earlier

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what can I do to fix it and how much would it cost me? Thanks!




  1. i would go to the surf shop, they can probalbly fix it depending on where it is. my quess in price depends on the shop, 100-200 dollar. if its an old board shes right you may just wont to get a new one!

    good luck

  2. When you say 'old surf board" my ears go up. How old? I guess ten years could be old by your standards, but I am really interested in the 30/40 year old range. I rode an early '70s twin fin into the early '90s. Let me know what you have, I might want to buy it!

    That ding should only be around $100 (US) fix, depending on how much water damage has occurred to the surrounding foam. Go to a good local surf shop. They will have a ding Man who can do right  by you, if you want to keep the board. If you don't have any experience with ding repair, don't waste your time and money with anything like 'sun cure', it's not meant for a ding that size.

  3. You have little chance of fixing that hole.

    Save up and get a new one, otherwise it wwill just break again, have a good day! =D

  4. take it in to a surf shack... they would know!

  5. Way too much money around here if some guy say it can't be done or use the local surf shop,buy a new board....Have a look at what these guys have to say....And you make up your mind from there

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