
I have this "board game" called "chess". So where do you plug in the controller?

by  |  earlier

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I have this "board game" called "chess". So where do you plug in the controller?




  1. .... Seriously?

    Dumb @$$

  2. umm... board games aren't video games.

    they don't need controllers. they aren't even electronic.

    move the pieces by hand.  

  3. LOL.

    You play chess with your hands not with the controller.


    If you're refering to a PS 3- like system...Then you plug in on the back....Also, I doubt that theres any video games that have chess in it.  

  4. LOL.  How funny...

  5. funny.  Funniest is people who actually tried to help you.

    Unless is it real, then do you really want to know where you can put it?:)

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