
I have this recurring dream about school...what do you think it means?

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So, every few months, ever since I left high school almost 10 years ago, I've had some variation of the same dream where I show up to a class that I havent been to all semester, and I have to take the final exam. Every time I have dream I'm like freaking out cuz I dont know anything on the test bc I missed almost the whole semester. I left high school after my junior year, then got my GED that summer, and then went on to get an associates degree about 7 years ago. Im going back to school this fall to start working towards my bachelors. The thing is though, Ive had the dream all along, even when school was the furthest thing from my mind. What do you think it means???




  1. fear of failure

    the pressure of living up to someone's expectations

    feeling inadequate

    discontent with your current situation and not being capable of changing it

    dreams are very personal and only you can truly determine what they mean

  2. I have a similar dream about once a month in mine I'm usually held back like I ditch all day.

    A phychy told me that It meens I'm avoiding something in my life.

    Yours might meen that you feel like you missed out in life can I ask why you went out Jr Year.

    I'm curiouse because I'm a JR in high school.

  3. Sounds like you're putting WAY too much pressure on yourself.

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