
I have this sharp pain?

by  |  earlier

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in my bladder area, what could it be?




  1. go check with your doctor.

    he should give u medicine!

  2. I hate to say this but it might be Kidney Stones. Get it checked out please

  3. Urinary infection. See the doctor.

  4. it might be you appendix, go see a doctor.

  5. Possibly a build up of toxins, has your diet recently changed ?

    are you constipated in anyway ? your body may be trying to flush out toxins and may be having trouble doing so. Its hard to say without more details. see your doc if it gets really bad and your not sure what it is

  6. that is not something for this arena, you should see a doctor.  Good luck with that.

  7. see docter now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. urinary infection, and possible kidney stone...... you must test your blood and urine in hospital. to relief the symptoms, you must take pain killer like acetaminopen, tramadol, ponstan......visit your dokter and don't forget to drink plenty of water

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