
I have this stupid question about a fly i kinda need help with ?

by Guest58241  |  earlier

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my friend asked me a question and its really stupid but i don't really know the answer to it maybe someone can help?

Lets say a fly was on a bus but it was stuck to a specific place on the globe like a certain longitude and latitude or something and the bus moves would the fly move with the bus or hit the back of the bus because if has it stay in that certain longitude and latitude?

I hope you understand what i am trying to say :)




  1. it would stay in the same place and break anything or die when something came into its place. the longitude and latitude would overpower the stupid bus.

  2. Sorry as I can´t see a Joke or Riddle I can only surmise you have perchance strayed into the wrong section.........try "The Science & Maths   Section. " who I am sure will be able to help you .....bye and good luck.

  3. ?it would be on the bus?

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