
I have this weird habit...?

by Guest61115  |  earlier

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When I get excited about something (not aroused -_-) or smell must, I HAVE to clench my front teeth together and sort of vibrate my head. I feel like I absolutely have to, or I feel weird.

I've been doing it for a while, and it's sort of embarrassing. Does anyone have any idea of what it could be?




  1. siezure?  

  2. Any ritual like that sounds like the early stages of Obsessive Compulsion Disorder.  It can be very hard to deal with and the best thing to do is to treat it as soon as possible, before it gets worse.  

  3. I agree w/ others, this may be an obsession and compulsion for you.

    Compulsions manifest themselves as a strong need or urge to do a repetitive behavior.

    I am a compulsive skin picker.

  4. You have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).  It is very treatable with medications.  Go see a psychiatrist and let him put you on a med that will stop that.

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