
I have three adopted babies should i get a dog.?

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I have a 2 year old girl 8mo old girl 6mo old boy who i just got 5 days ago




  1. wait tell there about 5 and 6

  2. you sould wait.when the children gets a little bit older you can get a dog.

  3. Your children are too young, babies put everything in there mouth you have to consider the fact they gets sick more often than adults and needs more protection. Some dogs likes to jump on people, you don't want those sharp nails to get on your babies

  4. I would wait til they are all 2 years old or older.

  5. Congratulations on your new family!

    This is too soon to introduce a new animal.  Allow your new children time to acclimate to their new situation.  You will need to spend a lot of time working on attachment and bonding, you won't have time to raise a puppy as well - your kids will need all of your attention.  

    Wait a few years, until your children are old enough to help raise a puppy.

  6. If you want to get a dog very much get it but i personally think its not a good idea because the baby's might be allergic to the dog and it is going to be very hard to look after a dog and 3 baby's they all need alot of attention if you are ready for that go ahead and get a dog .

  7. Do not get a dog.  This is my own advice from my own experience.  It will stress you out and the dog can bite, scratch, trample over the small little ones.  Wait til they are like 4 or 5.

  8. I'm going to have to agree with Joslin on this one. If you truely did just adopt from Korea then most of the questions you have asked should have been answered by your social worker.

    I'm also concerned about you adopting a 6 month old when you already have an 8 month old at home, that would mean that you were either pregnant or had a newborn at home (along with a toddler) when you started the process, and I don't know of any of the Korean agencies that would give a referral to a family with a newborn at home.(unless there is some unique issue I am unaware of)

    I don't want to seem rude, and appolgise if this is the case, but as an adoptive parent of Korean children, your claims and questions seem a little off. I wouldn't want anyone to think that korea usually places babies with families with a newborn and toddler already at home, a mother who is currently pregnant with a little girl, and then the agency does't explain who the child has been living with (foster parent verses birth mother), or the importance of attachment.

    I hope if this is a truthful situation then you will turn to your social worker, an international adoptive parent support group or forum, and research attachment issues.

  9. I would recommend waiting. That could be hard if you constantly have to watch both a dog and 3 children. Remember, you don't know how the dog will react to children either.

  10. I wouldn't get a dog right now.  You have enough upheaval in your life atm.  Think of what the dog is really going to be, another "child" for you to take care of.  I would wait until at least 6 months before you actually contemplate doing this.

    If you have a good friend with a child friendly dog, ask to borrow the dog for a week.  This will give you a good idea of whether or not you can handle a dog in your life.

  11. Sarah, seriously, you need some help.  You are asking inappropriate questions over and over.  I am beginning to think you are a troll, and not a real adoptive parent at all.

    However, if you are for real -- go now to your computer and look up Parent Support Groups and contact one today!

    This is the North American Council on Adoption and they have a Parent Support Database with groups all over the U.S.

    I truly hope you get the support you need for the sake of your precious children, if indeed you have any!

  12. where`do`i apply`4 the`Job``                            im`an`old`SEADOG``

  13. I would wait a little while so everyone gets adjusted.  If you get a dog, get one that is already trained so it's easier for you.

  14. This is just my opinion, but I would hesitate bringing an animal into the family right now.  Since your 6 month old is so new to the family, you don't know yet if he has any allergies.  It would be horrible to adopt a dog and then find out that your child was allergic to him.  

    I speak from the voice of experience.  We adopted a child at the age of 6 months.  We already had a dog when our son came home.  For the first few months, our son kept getting very sick.  It turned out that he was allergic to the dog.  

    Good luck to you.

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