
I have three bites in the middle of my back right on my spine...?

by  |  earlier

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obviously some pest has done this, and know my whole back horizontal to this is itchy, but there is no rash, and around my left arm pit/ shoulder, its itchy, slightly swollen and the skin is slightly more numb in that specific area that usual and more spread out. this has been going on since friday when I first noticed it.




  1. Try an antihistamine...topical or systemic.

  2. Okay?  Oh, did you mean to ask for advice on how to releave the itching and swelling?  Use an oral or topical antihistamine such as Benedryl.

    Edit:  Antihistamines are not strickly for the treatment of allergies.  They are commonly used for for anything that  activates or aggravates histamines and causes itching.

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