
I have three computers and two dial up services and lately i get errror message 691

by  |  earlier

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except on my laptop which sporadically connects using only one of the dial up services and so far never the other one. i do not know what to do or where to start with this problem. one night the connection was working fine and the next morning after doing exactly nothing to any settings whatsoever i am getting these impossible error messages. sometimes i get the diagnose button and get a message that say's they have found nothing wrong with this computers network connection. does this make any sense to anyone out there? can you get me started in solving this problem?

2 desk top computers / one laptop and the lap top

now and then connects using only one of the dialup

numbers and never the other.

sound familiar to someone?

please help.




  1. sounds like its time for high speed net and a router it would be cheaper and faster

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