
I have to admit Sarah Palin is this why they hate her?

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I noticed lot's of the femist/liberal type "females" really hate Sarah Palin.

I've noticed they seem to find different little reasons to hate her.

when will someone tell them that High School is over...and they lost out?




  1. They are scared and hate her because she is a real person and a proven reformer.  The Dems have empty suits.  It kills me when they rant about experience.  She is running for VP and has more executive experience than anyone on the ticket.  Obama is their main guy and he has run nothing and has zero experience.

  2. She is definitely the best looking candidate to ever run for Vice President. I like Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton, but Sarah Palin is a nice looking lady. I look forward to hearing her speak at the convention. I am a Democrat for McCain and am ashamed that my party shunned Hillary Clinton for the VP nomination.

  3. I think it's why, plus she is a female on the ticket running for a very high powered office. This is the only thing I can figure out because she has not even been speaking on the campaign yet, so we have not heard her speak her views sothese attacks are baseless and uninformed.

  4. Drop dead gorgeous does not a vice-president make, just as being an alleged war hero does not a president make.  McCain-Palin will go down in flames this November.

  5. She's a good looking woman for being in her mid 40's, sure. We'd be foolish to think that that doesn't matter. JFK obviously, heck, even Bill Clinton was considered a pretty good looking man when he was 50. Our society is what it is, would you like to have a job interview vs. a candidate who was considered much better looking than you?

  6. Smart, savvy, and cute...probably out shoot most men...and VP.

    Gotta love it...

  7. are you just from jerking off?

  8. they're all just jealous.

  9. she's not drop-dead-gorgeous. She's not an ugly woman, but not by far what you said...

  10. Who is "they"?

    I don't hate her at all.

    I'm a Democrat, so she's not my headache.

  11. So your types are the ones who wear 10 lbs of make-up?


    I'm a Republican, but when last did you have your eyes examined?

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