
I have to ask this...........Take a look please?

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I was wondering about this question today so I decided to ask yall.

What are some negative or Bad traits you have in a relationship? what have your ex..your bf or gf toled you..needs improving or change? Or What have plagued you in relationships?

I'm asking because I want to see what the majority says..

thanks a lot and include your sun/moon/venus sign please.




  1. with my ex, he was an aries, what plagued us was he wanted something different to me, and he wanted to travel. But also he wanted someone stronger and so did i. He said i always got jealous when he was talking about his ex, but that is because they are such good frineds i knew i couldnt replace her (she aquarius). I wish our communication was more honest because in the end we exploded at each other!

    He was dishonest and had planed to move for a long time, but just wanted temporay fun with me and it was hard but i learnt a lot from it.

    right now im with a gemini, and he is going really well, i am starting to doubt some aspects of horoscopes because we are soo compatable, each is very open about our insecurties and i think because of our great communication we won't have so many troubles. For me right now though, he wants to hang out everyday but i understand the concept of balance, and dont want to fall behind in other areas of my life, and so i know we should not see each other everyday.

    i think the key things i have learnt are a balance in life and communication! don't be shy but confident in expressing yourself too.

    if you care about someone you should really tell them or they may feel insecure and could cheet if rthey feel unloved at the same time don't suffocate them and let them be them :)

    - sorry i don't like lengthy answers so much, but it was hard for me to narrow it down, great question!

    -cancer sun, moon scorpio, venus leo

  2. What plagued our relationship is that he is that he's so suspicious and kinda little bit jealous he even got mad at me when i made my own account on imesh and some guys tried to chat with me and he got mad at me. My Husband (Aries) told me that i lose my temper easily and that i should do something about that.

  3. I'm a Gemini and the only thing my Pisces man complains about is that he thinks I don't love him.. We've been together for almost a year now, and he still doesn't believe me!  That's okay though, I know deep down he knows, it's just something with Pisces.  So emotional!  I find that s**y though.

    He doesn't complain about anything though. I love him w/ all my heart!

  4. Oh geez this is a bit of private info.. lol.

    My guyfriend told me I am too imaginative (yes, great euphemism, kudos to him) and like to "pick a fight".

    But in my defense, my imagination is real - Im not skitzo-, and when I "pick a fight" its because he's not been communcating as well as I would have liked.

    I'm also very direct and care too much.


  5. I'm an Aries and my 1st was a Libra. Things were sweet but I seemed to be insecure as he caught to much attention from other girls. Besides I was not rebelious enough for him at that time. As an Aries, obviously I am strong, passionate and independant therefore i wanted to be his center of attention but that wasn't the case. I thought "too much" and always tried to find some logic which couldn't always be found.

    My 2nd guy is a Taurus. We have been together for 4 years now. Aries are not famous for being patient and so he taught me to be. Haven't heard a complaint from him though.

    Still some people say the best match for an Aries is Aries itself. Haven't experienced this.

  6. yeah as far as i remember people complain at me about two things:

    1 sometimes i love so strongly i can make too much drama....

    2 UFF this is more common than 1, when i get angry.... i explode in way no one can tolerate me... like hulk... the perfect way to get out of the situation is disapear without me knowing that you're escaping from me lol....

  7. It's never affected our relationship (but we maybe had some little fights over it), but my boyfriend always tells me that I need to be more aggressive. lol I'm an Aquarius.  Why do you need our signs and why do you ask?  

  8. I tend to hold in affection. To the point where the other person feels unloved, and will leave.

    Which is NEVER EVER the case. I don't stay with anyone I don't utterly and truly love. I guess I just don't show it enough. Compliments and things of that nature arn't really comfortable to me. I would rather have the person know that I loved them. I'm WAY too cold at times.  

  9. I happen to be very independent and self reliant...I have a hard time wanting to rely on others most of the time - I would just as soon do it myself and see that it get done! - lol-

    I don't like to have to ask for help if I feel it is obvious that I could use some....and I get angry when they say...'you should have asked for help!' - No, I don't think I should....jump in if you want to help but if you don't want to then asking you isn't going to change that now is it?

    I do not like having to repeat myself when I tell others how I feel about something or how they make me feel about something....once is understandable and okay but after that I just get angry that they couldn't or didn't want to pay attention to whatever was bothering me!

    I have lots of friends (male and female, couples and married couples as well as single people...whatever)...I dislike being told or left with the feeling that I should not have any friends of my own and that possibly my place in this life is in the house taking care of things from there - yeah, okay, that's never gonna happen! And what gets me is guys are usually attracted to me for being a social butterfly, independent, free spirited and bold..but when they date me...they want to change me! They would rather try to convert me to a meek, quiet girl who is always agreeable and does what she is told - who are they kidding? Why would they want to change the things that initially attracted them in the first place?

    LOL...the list could go will never completely change for someone else just because they may like me better if I did - whatever - I don't need it - I like who I am - if they don't then move on and leave me be! I promise I would do the same for anyone else! ;)  I will compromise and meet in the middle or on some kind of common ground...but I will not be broken! This strong willed, freedom loving spirit will not be tamed into something I am not - been there done that - didn't suit me! I will treat others as would like to be treated in all areas of life! If a lover can't make an effort to reciprocate this then whatever!

    LOL...and then the flip side to this am usually guilty of making poor choices when it comes to matters of the heart! lol!

    Sun in Sagittarius

    Moon in Scorpio

    Venus in Aquarius

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