
I have to attend a cash bar wedding, does anyone have a good way to mooch drinks off others?

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I was just informed I was going to a cash bar wedding this weekend. Considering I play on consuming at least 75.00 in alcohol to get through the afternoon, I was wondering if anyone had a sure fire way to put the expenses on someone elses account?

I figured I could follow the dads of the bride and groom hoping they would at least buy a round or two...

I was also thinking of laying in the weeds and trying to pin point someone who opens up a tab and try to apply my purchases there.

If anyone has any sure fire ways to get around this inconvenience of having to pay for drinks, I'd really appreciate it.





  1. If someone from your table is going to the bar just say

    "Hey can you grab one for me while your up there, I'll get your next one" and then don't.  Do it at enough tables and to enough people you are golden.  Just be sure to work the room well.  You could also try sneaking cash off of the bar that people leave for tips, that might get you one or two.

  2. Are you my cousin Jimmy????  I know its you, you still owe me from my wedding!!!!

  3. Get a cooler.  Fill it with beer.  Top it off with ice.  When ever you are thirsty go to your vehicle and grab a cold beer for yourself!  No begging. No looking pathetic and No high prices of bar drinks.  Or get a plastic cup or two.  Fill your cooler with the beverage you like most (Jack and Coke).  Keep some ice in the bag and you can make your own mixed drinks all night!

  4. Bring a flask...

  5. cant you get through 4 hours without a drink

    pay you own

    adding your drink to someone tabs is stealing!

  6. Standing at the bar chatting up happy family members is a good idea for you.

    Just don't lurk or your cover will be blown.

  7. Maybe you should just avoid the whole wedding..then you don't have to worry about it...just mail your standard $200 wedding gift.

  8. you need help

  9. Go drunk then it won't take as much to keep you drunk.

    Seriously you should think about whether you should be attending a wedding where you need alcohol to get through it.

    Also do you have to drink to get through a lot of things in life? Maybe you should look into an AA meeting.

  10. bring a flask................or two!

  11. LOL, that's funny.  Well, generally, at a wedding, the last people who are going to have any money are the newlyweds and their parents, so you may want to find someone else to follow.  Good luck!

  12. Skip the wedding, and buy yourself a six pack.

  13. If you cannot afford your own drinks, don't drink!  it seems like you care about getting drunk instead of the couple.

  14. show your b***s!  but then you would ruin the wedding, so anty up and buy your own or have a few at home before!

  15. Are you a good-looking guy?

    You can always get the single unattractive bridesmaid to buy you drinks by hitting on her. If it's a large wedding, there should be at least one girl who is getting wasted because she is pissed off that she's not the one getting married.

  16. Dont be so ungrateful. Is it not enough that the bride and groom are buying you a meal and inviting you to share their special day? Why should they pay for you to get wasted as well? Do you not know how much a wedding costs??? There is nothing wrong with a cash bar. You shouldnt be so greedy!

    Here is a solution......DRINK LESS!!!!!!!

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