
I have to change the clutch master cylinder on a 95 cherokee 2.5 liter. Any tips you can give me?

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  1. it is a simple job be fore u start u will need some clear plastic hose to fit over bleeder nipple a skinney bottle like a milk bottle. hose must reach from slave cyl to bottem of the bottle with out being held tip some brake fluid in bottle cover tube by about 1/2" -10mm all this is to let you bleed master cyl then slave cyl by your self if needed. now all youy need is the tools to do job sid cutters to remove cotter pin sockets and spanners to remove mounting bolts dont try to use a shifter on the fluid pipe use the correct spanner after all remounting is completed and cyliders are bleed check peddal free play you will need at least 1"max 3/4 min free play remember the shaft that comes out of the back of the master cyl undo the lock nut and adjust in or out to get correct free play when done try peddal for back pressure if it feels a bit pudge re bleed slave cyl again slow even strokes dont let master cyl run dry and all will be fine dont tighten bleeder s***w to tight now remove plastic pipe fill master cylinder       done

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