
I have to chose a punishment for myself what should it be?

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I was sitting bye my sister's gardin and she got mad at me for being there. she took my phone an through it in the bushes and now My dad is "really disapointed in me" what should i pick?




  1. Maturity is knowing the right thing to do and then doing it.  You will impress your dad with your maturity if you choose a punishment that is fair and just, based on what you and he both know you did wrong.  Be completely honest with yourself and with your dad, and receive your punishment, knowing it is right.

  2. what? they are mad at you because you were sitting in her garden? O_o and they want you to pick punishment for that? Are you serious?

  3. ?

  4. what exactly are you being punished for? Cause it seems to me that your sister should be the one that should be punished seeing as she threw your phone into the bushes for no reason.

  5. i don't know what you have to pick from.  you know in your heart what the best punishment is. don't pick the easiest but the fairest

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