
I have to disect a pigs heart and it's eye ball...?

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is it going to be really disgusting??

will it be bloody???

i've never disected anything before and i kinda get grossed out easily...




  1. Since it's been embalmed there shouldn't be much blood.  It's not that appetizing a process, but you get to learn quite a bit about how things work.

  2. Yes, this will be gross.

  3. Nah.  It is not too bad.  I had to dissect a pig, a cat, a grasshopper and a frog in nursing school.  The worst part is the smell of formaldehyde.  You'll be OK.  Don't cop out of it like the guy above me suggested.  It is a great learning experience.

  4. No, it will not be bloody, however the eyeball will ooze a vitreous liquid.

    I don't think it's disgusting, but that is a relative view. I find Rosie O'Donnell disgusting. To each his own.

  5. Tell them your a vegan and ask if you could dissect a  green been or an apple!  Trust me it will be disgusting.  They raise these poor little animals just to murder them for science classes.  Its immoral and a sin, look it up in the bible.  Also a pig is an unclean animal, in the bible too.  So if your a Christan, Jew, Muslim, or Buddhist your covered by freedom of religion laws in the USA and most civilized country's.

    Just say no!

  6. talk to a teacher

    if u have a note of excuse from a parent, u can prop get out of it

  7. Hi had to dissect a pig heart in cardiac seminar years, not bloody a pig's heart is very much like a human's only closer i guess would be a baboon or other great ape. Most of the blood is drained just in the process of cutting it loose.  The eyeball will have aqueous humor in it or clear fluid not blood.

  8. When I took biology, we had to do frogs, we were put in teams of 3 students and thank goodness there was a boy on my team.  He did the actual disection - it was in formaldehyde and not bloody or anything, but still very gross and I was opposed to the whole thing, but I wrote the report we had to turn in and the other kid did the pinning.  So it wasn't too bad.  Thank GOD we did not have to do the pigs.  I think I would have just fallen out on the spot.

  9. In my Biology AP class in high school I had to dissect a fetal pig, we did everything you can imagine (including the heart and the eyeball).

    The pig will not and should not be bloody at all.  The formaldehyde odor is a bit strong sometimes, just try not to breath too deeply right over the specimen.  Be sure to wear all of the proper safety equipment when doing this.

    The only tip I have for the eyeball is that there is a fluid inside of it and as such, try to pierce it from a direction that is not facing you.  Otherwise, you may get a ::squirt:: !

    I think that you will find that you are actually quite comfortable with dissecting the specimen after a few moments with them...

    There is absolutely nothing to worry about.  Just try to soak it in, because who knows if you will ever get such a wierd experience again!  I know I haven't since 10 years ago!  :o)

  10. It's a free world, refuse to take part.

  11. No it won't be bloody. They drain the blood and soak it in formaldehyde. It will smell gross but it won't be bad.

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