
I have to do 3 days in jail for DWI this month what can I expect?

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My lawyer says I probably will not be allowed to return home from court before going to jail..what will happen..will they handcuff me in court?




  1. Sure and release you when you're behind bars.  There is no partying and the food stinks but if it was fun you would be looking forward to it.

  2. maybe, ask for a work furlough program, if you do go to jail, keep your mouth shut, mind your own business, and dont associate with anyone outside your race, if its a misdameaner you will not spend all 3 days there maybe 1 tops,

  3. Yep, Cuffed and booked. Just like on TV. Then the reality sets in when you realize YOU are not in control of your life. Shut up and do EXACTLY what the staff tells you. Speak only when spoken to and TRY not to get into trouble.

  4. You sit in a cell with a very, very strange person.

    A guard checks on you every 15 minutes or so.

    Another inmates brings you bad food three times a day.

    They won't let you out of your cell probably because your sentence is so short. So you probably wont be with the general population. There will be books for you to read.

    All this nonsense is to scare you, it makes the police feel big and important.

  5. Maybe they'll cuff you, maybe not.  I wouldn't worry about that.  I don't know what kind of jail you're going to, but where I'm from they have what they call the workhouse.  Nobody really gives a hoot that they are in the workhouse.  The long term criminals go to work for hours a day (some of them don't even have jobs--but someone vouches for them), you watch lifetime tv, eat meals with like 2 other women (the rest are gone to work) and 400 men.  The women all sit around and laugh and talk.  Their biggest worry is how to sneak cigs in the bathroom where they have them hidden all over the place.  (I'm a paralegal for a criminal defense attorney (i know don't say it) and I've heard this from many clients).

  6. That sucks.. They probably wont handcuff you if you willingly agree to go.

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