
I have to do SAT SUBJECT TESTS? Which ones are there easiest tests?! HELP!!

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I know I am going to deal with SAT Subject tests in November because its required to get into a UC, well I just found out a while ago and I wish I did one in junior year so my senior year wouldn't be soooo saddening, I already have US History as one, cause i am good at short term memorization, but what other subject can I do. I learned from the SAT that im not that great in English or Math.... so WHATS THE EASIEST TO LEARN IN 3 MONTHS. HELP




  1. lol don't yell. =p if u speak another language then they are the easiest. if not.. try get those subject work books and see which one u know the most. and work on them is the key though.

  2. Since you already mentioned US History, you might also want to take the World History SAT 2. It also could be easy for you if you are good at short term memorization.

    If not that, then you'll have to choose a science, math, or language SAT 2.

    If you take a science one, you will need to become familiar with the course, so it would be best if you picked the one you took during your junior or sophomore year. Look over your old textbook and notes, and buy a good review book to cover laws, equations, labs, and more.

    If you take a math test, I suggest you take Math 1. Math 1 is easier than Math 2, however the curve is less forgiving. I took the harder exam, Math 2, without focusing on math for a month and got an 800. I think that Math 1 should be even easier. If you are planning on taking Math 1, I suggest you review the topics (outlined at with a math teacher at your school so you become comfortable with the material.

    If you take a language test, either take English Lit or the language you studied in high school (if you did). If you are at an AP-equivalent level for a foreign language, I recommend that you take that SAT 2. If you are good at English, or at least reading comprehension, I suggest you take that instead.

    It just depends on what you feel most comfortable with. Personally I suggest you take World History (since you seem to like history), and in addition also Math 1 OR English Lit to give you more chance for success without too much extra studying.

    More importantly, after you choose the other subject test you will take, start studying immediately! Buy a good review book (I recommend Barrons, as Kaplan is too easy) and make a plan to go through the book and review before test day. Don't forget to take as many practice tests as you can, and good luck!

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