
I have to do a project on to kill a mockingbird and i need to come up with ten questions and answers. help me?

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i'm in all honors classes so these questions can't be babyish but they can't be to like extraordinary either. i hope you can help me because i really need the help.

love always, alyssa.<3




  1. wow. that sounds a lot easier than mine! i&#039;m in honors too...hmm...1. why was tom robinson put on trial? (is that too easy??)...2.what was the first &quot;present&quot; that jem and scout found in the knothole of the tree? (idk if those are what you are looking for) i put up a question too for my project that i have to one has answered. don&#039;t worry i know how you feel..haha

  2. Question one, why does this book suck?

    Question two, why does everything the author wrote suck?

  3. What was the author&#039;s purpose for writing?

    How did the theme of the book effect you personally?

    What does Boo represent?

    What does Tom represent?

    Which event in the book did you find to be the most significant?

    How does the story Atticus reads to Scout at the end relate to the theme?

  4. There are numerous on line resources to help you with this novel, and with questions such as this one.  Many of them offer chapter summaries, list of characters, character sketches, discussions of themes, setting, imagery, and symbolism, etc.  Do a search for “study guides for To Kill a Mockingbird” etc., and you will find many sites.  Also, do a search here on yahoo answers for To Kill a Mockingbird and you will find a wealth of information.  

  5. Here&#039;s some good ones!

    1. What is the symbolism of the items in the tree?

    2. What are some themes, and at least one example of how they are each portrayed? (Some examples: perseverance, symbolism, growing up)

    3. Atticus says that killing a mockingbird is a sin. How is this idea portrayed in the book? What characters are the &quot;mockingbirds?&quot;

    4. How do Scout&#039;s views on Boo Radley change as the book progresses?

    5. The book is written in two parts. What is different about these sections?

    6. Why does the sheriff (sorry, I can&#039;t remember his name right now) not want to tell everyone that Boo killed Bob Ewell, despite the fact that people would think this as a good thing?

    7. What kind of values and morals does Atticus Finch follow throughout the book?

    8. Why is Tom Robinson found guilty, despite overwhelming evidence in his favor?

    9. Why does Bob Ewell end up attempting to kill Scout and Jem?

    10. When Tom Robinson&#039;s verdict is reached, what kind of reaction does it have on Scout? Why is this reaction logical for her to have?

    Sorry. The last couple questions were a little less profound than the others. It&#039;s hard to come up with 10 good questions! Anyway, I suggest you try and answer them yourself. I won&#039;t just do your homework for you! If you really need help with one, messge me!

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