
I have to do improv tomorrow?

by  |  earlier

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so tomorrow in drama class we're doing improv & i've never done it before! plus i'm super shy to do it infront of the class (34 students!)

plese give me some good advice about how to do it & not be humiliated?




  1. Improv is a fantasy exercise.  It's all about imagination.  Pretend as if the audience isn't there until you can start feeding off of their response.  Improv is something you either come by naturally for have to work to be good.  Though you may feel humiliated it's reallly nothing to be embarrased about.  Especially if everyone is having to do it!

  2. improv isn't really that hard, its one of my favorite things to do with friends :)  really all you have to do is say what comes to your mind.  But it wont work if your going to be shy!  Be BOLD, shameless!!!  Act like there is no one there and you are just being stupid and obnoxious because really does it matter what they think of you.  If anything they will think that its cool that you can stand in front of ppl and not be scared at all!  

  3. oh god i hated improv i always say something dumb

    well good luck lol

  4. Don't worry about how stupid you look. You'll end up looking more stupid if you're shy and don't really get into it. If you overcome your inhibitions and just be silly, everyone will laugh - not at you, but with you. Don't be afraid to be the only one who's into it, because chances are everyone else is just as nervous and if you loosen up, they will too.

  5. ohhhhh i remeber that ( having ppl just dumped into class, worst students)


    Imporv. is so much fun!

    I have been acting forever and this is my favorite thing to do!

    While doing it think of what you would be saying to the person in real life (not acting)

    and add funny lines in it :D

    it makes it wayyy more fun!

    Good luck!!!

  6. improve is just like a having a conversation, you don't know what they other person is going to say and when they do say something you react back to that, thats what improve is about.. starting a random conversation and making it funny, be VERY dramatic and NEVER say no to something that stops the conversation.  

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