I am 23 years old. I have abnormally large tonsils. They have been trouble since I was a kid. I have always been too scared to remove them. But recently, I feel like I'm about to choke almost every timee I eat. I can't even swallow pills. I have been doing my research, and I found a majority of posts are horror stories. I even found something about an 18 girl dying after she hemmoraged. I do not want to die. I have a beautiful 5 year old boy I want to be around for. I know everyone will think I'm stupid for thinking I might die, but everyone posts horror stories. I'm scard of the pain. I'm scared of needles. I'm scared of dying and leaving my baby with no one. I need help calming my fears. I broke my back and shattered my elbow about 4 years ago. I had to go under to get arm surgery after that. But I'm still so scared. I dont know if its people who are CURRENTLY in discomfort that are writing posts. I need help. I need reassurance.