
I have to get my wisdom teeth removed and I am really nervous.

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I just want to know what I will expect. Will it be better to just get local anesthesia or be put under. I can handle pain but it is the anxiety I get before going.




  1. I know how you feel, im going to get braces monday and my heart is racing!

  2. if you're nervous, you should at least get the light sedation which makes you drowsy but doesn't put you out all the way- you know what's going on, but you don't really care! My daughter recently had her wisdom teeth done this way and she liked it. Now, after the surgery- depending on if the teeth are out and just need to be pulled or if they are under the gum and they need to be cut out- you'll have varying degrees of pain probably. Some people with a high threshold for pain are only mildly bothered and some, like my daughter, are in some pretty severe pain for a couple of days. You'll either be given a prescription for pain meds or told to take tylenol or ibuprofen for a few days. Eat soft foods like pudding, soup (not hot though), jello, milkshakes (but you can't use a straw), mashed potatoes (buy instant!), etc. Don't smoke if you do (I hope you don't) as the inhaling motion will loosen the blood clots needed to heal- same theory as for using a straw. I promise you'll get through it- try to be relaxed and think nice thoughts- it really helps! Good luck!

  3. Be put under! I had all four impacted in bone and it was three hours, they had to crack into my jaw to get them out. The percosets were amazing and I got a lot of mashed potatoes and icecream. Not a terrible ordeal except the bruising. Get out of a week of school, make sure you don't schedule it right before the prom, and you'll be fine.

  4. I got mine pulled last Friday. I was nervous like you too. It's normal but I got the iv and was put under. I think that's the best way to go. Before they give you the iv just ask for laughing gas and you will be fine.  

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