
I have to get wisdom teeth cut out in a few days... how bad is the whole process?

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I'm basically terrified.. lol. thanks for any help!




  1. well once the novacaine kicks in you shouldnt feel any pain but its gonna be a btch cuz u wont be able to eat on which ever side u get your wisdom teeeth pulled out on, it will take 3-4 days to heal

  2. it's not bad at all, they will either give you some laughing gas first or go straight to putting in the iv... then within about 2 minutes you will be asleep, then wake up with no wisdom teeth, no pain at all but you might be acting a little goofy if the anesthetics are still kicked in, then about a week or so of letting the pockets fill in and heal, hopefuly u dont get any dry sockets, they can be painfull, i had 2 dry sockets but they did not hurt at short the worst part of the entire thing is the nurse putting in the iv...hate needles

  3. it takes like 3-4 weeks to heal. and youll look like a chipmonk for a while. it sucks

  4. Its not that bad... just got all four out this won't feel any pain with the shots they give you...just a lot of pressure...the laughing gas is really just used for kids so there's really no need to take it (you will just feel like your floating)... Sometimes they will put you asleep when they surgically remove them & you wont remember anything.. but they didn't to me..& i didn't feel any pain.. If you do start to feel SHARP pains just stop & tell them and  they will numb it some more... and after just keep the gauze they put in there for an hour then change it.. so a colt can form.. you can eat soft foods like 2 hours after but not on that side & don't if its still bleeding alot (saliva mixed with blood can look like alot)... & after 3 days you can go back to normal...If it does start bleeding again within 3days put another gauze & bit down for a straight 10min... No Straws cause the colt can come out... No smoking cause it will make the pain worse... No Drinking cause it thins your blood & No Chips cause it can poke it.... Make Sure u rinse & swish after you eat cause you can get Dry Socket & it hurts really bad (this is all for the first 3 days)...Put Ice Packs & take Ibproufen For the Swelling... Tip: When they Prescribe you pain pills ask for "TYLENOL 3"(it has codien) unless ur allergic...cause the vicodin they give might make you really jittery, hot & nauseated cause your suppost to take them with food or milk(just tell them "Vicodin makes me feel sick" or "I can't sleep on vicoden"... Good Luck

  5. It won't hurt while it's being done but your mouth will be sore afterwards.  You'll most likely get a prescription for pain medication.  I got Tylenol 3, which made me feel very stupid and sleepy, however it really worked.  Mouths heal quickly so you'll be feeling better soon and won't have to take medication for long.  Just plan on a few days of napping and maybe watching a little tv.  Be sure to have some nice soft things on hand to eat.

  6. Really no need to be scared. I was given a shot then made to lie in a room and breathe laughin gas for a few minutes. They came back in to check on me. Made sure the gas was working. Had me count to 10 and i was out. When i woke up it was a bout an hour or so later.Still numb with great pain killers. Just make sure you get them all out at once. If you don't you will probably never go back.

    Also if you're that freaked out. The dentist can prescribe you a couple of valium to relax you if absolutely neccesary.

    The thought of it is much scarier than the actual act. Always remember the mind is what makes it scary

  7. the only bad part is the pain but the pain killers remember to take pills on time or else youll be crying of pain...

    your cheeks will puff up... the swelling will go down around the 4th day... you wont be able to open your mouth very wide for like 2 mouth still felt sore everynow and then but that will go away in about a month....the dentitst put gauze in my mouth but wen i actually got consious i took them out cause it hurt my gums.. if you see little white strings dont pull them out their stiches...i found out later they were after pulling like 3 of them out.

    they put me to sleep to do the surgery but i think that depends on the dentist

    have someone to drive you home cause wen i woke up...i was like drunk or something. i needed two ppl walk me to my car and my mom drove me home... but yea...i still went to school with big puffy cheeks it was extremly g*y

  8. The process itself isn't bad at all. For me, they gave me an IV which put me out right away, and then the next time I woke up, I was at home. I felt little pain afterwards because of the pain medication that they gave me, but I did have some bruising and swelling in my cheeks for like a week, so you might look like a chipmunk for a bit. My wisdom teeth hadn't come out yet, so I had stitches from where they cut them out, so I had to go back to the doctor to get the stitches taken out which was easy too. Overall, the process isn't that bad. Isn't too much fun but you should be functioning pretty quickly with not too much pain. I hope everything works out:)

  9. k, i got all four of mine pulled out at once, and like everyone else in here has said, its not that bad. i was put under to get  mine done, and after getting the stuff pushed through my iv, i didnt even realise that i had knocked out untill i woke up in the car watching trees pass by. i felt REALLY spinny and dizzy, but that went away after the first hour or so, and i was up and on my feet by the end of the day. there is just a few things you need to watch out for. 1, take the medicine the doc gives you. you may not hurt when you take them, but give it time, you will if you dont. 2, ice packs are good. they will help swelling go down, and help with the pain. 3, the dentist will tell you not to suck or spit or anything like that. LISTEN TO HIM! if you dont, you could end up with what is called a dry socket. inside the hole were your tooth used to be, there is a blood clot there that keeps your jaw bone moist. if that blood clot comes out, it will hurt like h**l, and you will have to go back to the dentist and have him put in a strip of gauze covered in clove oil to keep it moist, and trust me, you dont want that. and last, you neep to be careful of what you eat, and keep the holes clean. if you dont, food can build up in those holes, and you could either accidently nock the clot out, or cause it to become infected. just be careful and youll be ok.

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