
I have to go back to work soon-is there a really good way for not going back?

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Please bear in mind I have used every excuse going-including 'because you are all idiots and I hate this pitiful excuse of a job.'




  1. Get pregnant!

  2. I pulled a sickie today myself.  You certainly couldn't use my excuse though.  You must go to work, what the heck will you do all day if you don't?  Ha!  Go count something you genius.

  3. Well, you could pick the best of your possessions, steal a grocery cart, and live under a bridge for the summer. I hear the dumpsters behind restaurants often have good pickings, too, if the day's begging doesn't go well.

  4. Win the lottery

    Inherit millions

    marry rich


  5. Best way?  Seek out a position elsewhere that you believe you WILL enjoy.  You have the final decision in whether you return to a job you hate or not.  It's in your best interest and that of the employer whom you don't wish to work for any longer, to do what will be best in the long run.

    Work you hate you usually don't do great in and advancements are far less likely because of it...

    Don't burn your bridges though by saying anything that will rock the never know when that employer will end up giving you a bad reference or refusing to give a reference at all.  Every reference is important whether you've hated the job or not.  Use this to your advantage.

    Good luck

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