
I have to go to court on a failure to appear charge. Can this be beat?

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The day that I had to go to court my 3 children had doctor's appointments for an upcoming surgery and I totally forgot about court. I never missed a court date before and I am scared they are going to lock me up. The original charge was driving on a suspended license for the 4th time. I also have priors for bad checks. Will I have to go to jail or can the charge be beat. My license is back now.




  1. you deserve to be locked up. suspended for the 4th time. your stupid

  2. Do the crime do the time Ask your lawyer  .But no sympathy   here

  3. put yourself at the mercy of the court the evidence is not on your side and forgetting is not  a very good excuse.  I suggest you find a living place for your kids because i am afraid you are going away for some time....

  4. Do you think you can offer an excuse that the judge has not heard before?  

    Your past history shows a complete disregard for the law, safety of others and fraud (bad checks). Now you showed a complete lack of respect for the court by not making your hearing a priority.

    No - you can't beat it. You were supposed to be there and were not.  The judge has heard much better hard luck stories than yours.

    Your best bet is to go to court - show respect - don't make excuses and accept what ever punishment is given.

    Think about it....your tell your kid to do his homework. Kid does not. Decides to play  video games instead.  What is more likely to lessen the punishment he will get:

    1. make excuses "but mom, I got wrapped up in the video game and forgot to do my homework. It's not my fault."


    2. "I'm sorry mom. I did not do my homework when you asked me to. I showed disrespect for your authority. I will make sure to do my homework in when you ask me to in the future."

  5. All you can do is tell it to the judge & see what happens.  Personally, I would have changed the doctor's appointments - a court date should have been first on your mind when looking at the calendar & for all three to have an appointment on the same day sounds like you're just making excuses.  You can't be that scared of getting locked up if you keep doing stuff that you know is illegal, but that's just my opinion.  


  7. You aren't going to win any sympathy from the judge by using your children's appointments as an excuse for why you missed your court date.

    I once observed an arraignment, where the judge asked the defendant why the defendant was 30 minutes late for her scheduled 8:00 am court appearance.  The defendant said that she's a single mom, and had to bring the kids to daycare, etc.  The judge said, "Gee, I'm a single mom, I need to bring my kids to daycare, but I am still able to make it to the courthouse by 8:00 am to hear the cases on the calendar.  Bailiff, take defendant into custody."

    Now, I'm sure the defendant was in custody for all of an hour or two.  But, bottom line, don't make idiotic excuses.  Just admit you completely forgot, it was completely your fault, and plead that it will never happen again.

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