
I have to go to court tommorow and really scared!serious thing....beg you to help me!just look and help!plz

by  |  earlier

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Im really scared!! i dont know who to talk to, and scared out of my skin!

i feel really bad and my parents are lunatics at the moment shocked.

the story : i was walking back from walgreens, then 2 blocks away from my house when i was pulled from behind. i tried to scream but the guy covered my mouth hardly and tightly. literaly no one was around to help or see. i wasbrought into the house fast by the attacker. there was a chance for me to scream , but he used a knife and put my life at stake if i did. i was crying. he bounded me with duct tape. tied my hands arm legs then eyes.

im not comfortable saying this part, very uncomfortable=[ im only 14.

he tore off my skirt then tanktop andway to embarassed to tell the rest.

i think he is european the age of 20-25 . how do you think i should present myself to court tommorow????? help or else im gonna die of fright. yes i called the cops on my cellafter he left and then a chance to escape. but then they found the guy trying to run away and was held til court tommorow. he should not deny it . but i cant beleive it, he denied it! those friggin cops let him be innocence til proven guiltyatcourt!!!! wtf, u no what just happened here! scared but also angry what the cops did!! cant beleve that they were ssooo dumb . bet hes gonna go to jail anyways but. those friggin dumb cops! wat happened here?! i shouldnt of been going to court tommorow, dont you think he should of been arrested right there?! those friggin cops!




  1. You will probably meet with the prosecutor and the police tomorrow.  There is nothing to be afraid of.  Just listen to the prosecutor.  He or she will explain the whole process to you.  Tell the truth when asked.  Go to court with you parents; let them support you.

    Remember, the person who was caught by the police is entitled to fight the charges; he is entitled to plead not guilty.  It's not the cops who "let him" plead not guilty; it's the way our system works.  Everyone who is arrested is entitled to plead not guilty; they are entitled to what's called a "presumption of innocence."  

    It is the job of a prosecutor to prove the person's guilt.

    It's ok to be scared and uncomfortable.  Don't worry about that.  Be brave and go to court; follow through with the charges.  

  2. I'm sorry that this happened to you.  You need to be brave and go to court so that this guy does not go free and do this again to someone.  The police can only arrest him, they cannot make the decision as to his guilt or innocence, that is for the court to decide.

    He also has a right to his day in court and the right to say that he is innocent.  That doesn't mean that he is.  Do your best and hopefully the police have finger prints from the tape and knife.

  3. Everyone has the right to a fair trial and everyone is innocent until proven guilty

  4. Hopefully the police caught him with the knife. Be sure to give as complete a description as possible about the knife as well as your attacker. The duct tape should also have finger print to prove you are telling the truth-even possibly his DNA.

    Just be calm and truthful. Do not fill in anything with speculation or what possibly happened. And do not be disrespectful or abusive towards the cops. Give them a chance to get it right and get the slime off the streets.

    Finally, good luck to you. Hope it turns out well.

  5. First, you poor thing! I am so sorry that you had to go through this experience! You seem very nice, and you didn't deserve this.

    Second, I don't think you should insult the cops. They are just doing their jobs, it's not their job to prosecute, let the judge take care of that.

    Third, when you go to court it's important to stay "COOL, CALM, and COLLECTED!" I can almost guarantee you that you will have mixed emotions when you see him in court, but you need to push that aside, and calmly explain to the court what happened. Don't pull a movie. I mean don't get up and scream and be dramatic. It's okay if you cry though, you should never keep your emotions bottled up.

    Be strong and I know you will do fine! Remember no matter what he si going to jail, it may not be for as long as you like. But the United States is doing the best they can.

  6. dress appropriately, be calm and make sure you can positively identify your attacker.

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