
I have to go to the doctor for bloodwork and i want to get the nurse mad how can i do that?

by  |  earlier

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i want to like start goin all smart on her and start asking questions and stuff that she doesnt rember from nursing school




  1. Typical ER doc...even if you aren't one yet.  Just mellow out, man, you'll have plenty of time to show off your intellect.  You sure you don't wanna be a surgeon?  You sound more like one of them.

  2. she'll remember this.....

    if u want 2 be  rude, just ask her how much money she makes, their reaction is hilarious

  3. Or, you could not be a d**k and let her do her job. Nurses tend to have it rough as it is dealing with docs who typically don't do much of anything. Cut her some slack, and appreciate the service she provides. You might actually make it to be a doc one day if you display a little professionalism and respect. No, I'm not a nurse; I'm a paramedic. We're all working towards the same goals, so go easy on them!

  4. oh whatever nurses are so stuck up their asses they treat everyone in the hospital like c**p inless it's a doctor.... you know what i mean....

  5. Here are a few of my favorites...

    If she's older, ask if they used to draw blood with wooden needles????

    Should you have your glasses on for this???

    The last nurse that took my blood smelled a lot nicer...

    Is that the right sized needle, it looks a bit to small....

    Is that the right tube???? I think you need the one with the green top.....

    Did you have fish today????

    You have biker hands.....

    Do y'all recycle the cotton balls????

    It would help me relax if you sang to me....

    I think Stevie Wonder could do this......You really went to school to learn how to do this....

    I could go on and on........Have fun......Remember, nurses are the backbone of the Dr offices and hospitals.....

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