
I have to goto a movie.... with my mom!

by  |  earlier

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ok so im 14, and i really really really DO NOT want to go.

but its her birthday, and if i werent to go, she would go alone. i know im going to see people i know maybe and i feel like im gunna die! does anyone have any advice?!?!

thank you!!!!




  1. GROW UP! and be thankful that your mom is there to embarass you.!

    No one is going to care that you went to a movie with your mom.

  2. Go and have a great time with your mom.  The time you spend with her is precious and important.  I am sure that many of your friends have had to do the same and if they say they didn't, they are lying.  You should try and spend some time talking to your mom about what it was like when she was 14.  I'm sure things aren't so different!  I have a 10 year old daughter and I will be crushed when she wants to stop doing things with me.  We have lots of fun and Moms are cool !!!!!

  3. your a brat,your mom gave you LIFE, and you cant just at LEAST go to a movie with her? lots of people would LOVE to go to a Movie with there mothers. Your selfish, im 13 and i go places with my mom all the time and i am not embarassed. shes not going to be alive forever you know, you should spend as much time as you can with her you selfish little brat

  4. What a twit. Your mom GAVE YOU LIFE; the LEAST you can do, you selfish punk, is celebrate the fact that another year has passed in her life, and she's hasn't kicked your ungrateful a.s.s. out onto the curb.


  5. This is hardly the most embarassing thing in the world.  A lot of people go to movies with their families.  Remember, you are going to keep HER company; she isn't there acting as YOUR chaperone.  So stop being selfish and immature, and start considering your mother's feelings - it's her birthday, after all.

  6. whats the big deal? dont you love your mom, who cares who sees you haginng  with her!  Shes your mom.  its her birthday! omg i just cant believe how selfish your being.  im 14 and i go to the movies ALL the time with my mom and my grandma, in fact im going to Mama Mia with my grandma and mom tonight.  i love my mom, you dont seem like you care about YOURS.  

  7. Why are u so afraid to go somewhere with your mom i love going places mine. Stop being mean to her,  shes just trying to bond with you.

  8. Stop being a spoiled brat. Even I don't mind going places with my mom and I'm 17, and yes, I do have friends.

  9. have   fun

  10. stop being a selfish little brat its ur moms birthday for gods sake the least u can do is go with her to a movie... i cannot believe this... she has taken care of u for 14 years and ur ashamed of her.? this makes me sick.

  11. I've just spent two weeks abroad with a foreign family where the kids were 'allowed to do and behave as they liked' ~ and they were bad mannered and obnoxious brats.

    Point 1:  You aint gonna die, kid.

    Point 2:  You may well see people you know who also believe 'that they are gonna die' ~ through seeing people they know. ' No they won't'.

    Point 3:  Think about all of the times in your short and obnoxious life when you have embarrassed you Mum who HAD to not only put up with you:  but then feed you:  entertain you:  clothe you:  put up with your obnoxious and badly behaved friends and continue with the rest of her life while still pretending to Love you.

    Point 4:  It is but a very few hours of but ONE day in the year that you are being asked to sacrifice yourself for the love of your Mum, AND DO NOT pretend that you are not a good enough actor to carry it off, because you are very good at it.

    Point 5:  One day, just possibly, you'll be in your Mum's shoes and have to put up with some god-awful spoilt and obnoxious brat who thinks and behaves just like you. And, you'll remember the day you read this.

    Maybe, if you are lucky, you'll not even be a parent because any child would be too scared to take you on as a parent.

    Keep up the good work.


  12. You sound like a fool.  It's your mom's birthday, and it's just a movie.  Stop being so selfish and ruthless.  Try to be a better daughter than this.

  13. wow.

    just go 2 the movie with her.


    just wow,

    bring a friend or something

    its her birthday so stop being selfish

    she wants 2 spend time with u and ur complaining about it?


  14. So what?!? I am fifteen and it doesn't bother me to go to the movies with my Mom. My mom, my sister, and I do alot of things together like is good to do things with your mom sometimes, bc think about it, in a few years you will be 18 and will be moving on with your life...I think about things like that all the time because even tho i fight with my mom now (alot) i know that one of these days i am not going to have her by my side at the drop of a hat like i have now, and i do like to spend time with her because of this.

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