
I have to learn to play trumpet well in just under a month.?

by  |  earlier

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Any suggestions?




  1. No you don't, because it's pretty clear that you know nothing about the instrument.

    It takes years to play the trumpet well.

    I'm sure you 're going to hear from a bunch of trumpet players here, but I'm betting the answers will all be the same.



  2. Play trumpet on a Keyboard. Then you won't have to think about what you would normally have to learn.

  3. I think you already know the answer to your question.   There is a difference in playing an instrument and playing it well.   I am a flute player/teacher and have been involved in music for many years.  I can read music and do play flute well,  but if you told me that I would need to play the trumpet well in less than a month... I would ask you if you were crazy?????   Not going to happen.   Now you did not say what instrument you do play.  If you play tuba or french horn,  your chances of being able to get the notes out will be better than if you played saxophone or oboe and you will be able to get by but playing well takes practice, knowledge of the instrument,  proficiency on various skills....  all that stuff.    Don't give up... but just don't promise someone that you will be able to play well in such a short amount of time.   Thanks for reading... hope it helped.

  4. If you find out let me know.  I've been playing for 20 years and I think I can play adequately - not well.

    You'll also find your defintion of what it means to play well will change the longer you play.

  5. Your success will depend on whether you can read music already or not and if you have played another instrument, particularly a brass one before.  If you can do both of these things then you are likely to be more successful.  If not, then it will be very hard to learn the trumpet that quickly.

    I would suggest not practising for too long at the beginning, as you will exhaust your muscles - instead do short sessions regularly.  Also, however tedious it feels, scales are very important and if you practise them a lot, your playing will improve more quickly.  Make sure you dont force the sound or pick up any bad habits too.

    Good luck!

  6. Practice, practice practice.  You would need to devote just about every minute of that month to practicing.

    Drink lots of water to keep your embouchure from getting sore. It's not possible to become a good player in a month, but the more you practice the closer you'll be.

  7. you won't.

  8. I had the same problem,  while in college a jazz course

      required we land jobs withing a month.  I learned by

       listening to some funky blues, jazz, jams and using a

       limited rehearsal of standard party favorites in a music

       book.  You only need one line, of the song.

  9. Why do you people always come up with these impossible ideas... you CAN'T learn how to play a trumpet... or ANY instrument well in just a month... Can you even READ MUSIC?  because trumpet players usually have to be able to read music.

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