
I have to move away for a new Job and my family is crushed

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I don't know what to do i feel so upset i have to watch them cry every time i see them what can i say to make them and myself feel better I'm only 25 and i not good at this please help me thanks alot




  1. moving away doesnt mean that you won't still see each other or talk to each other, i'm 22 and live over 5hrs drive away from my parents it was hard at first but we still see each other for special occasions ie christmas, if this job is something you really want then your family should be supportive explain to them how important this is to you and how you know how much it upsets and hurts them that you are moving away but you will still be in contact. We all fly the nest at some point, if you decide to stay for your family be prepared to hold back your resentment/regret, if in time to come you feel you've made the wrong decission don't blame your family.

    I'm writing assuming you are talking about your family being your parents?? if your talking about your partner then you need to dicuss things properly with each other and look at things from both sides, i moved to be closer to where my boyfriend goes to uni, but i love the area i've moved to and its just oneof those compromises we sometimes have to make.

    hope this helps.

  2. I know what you mean...When i went away to school I went through the same thing. It is just going to take time for them to be comfortable with it..but it will happen eventually! The first few months are hard but after that it gets easier! Just plan ahead when you can go home to visit so they have that to look forward to each time you have to leave!!

  3. This is part of life!

    Sometimes you just have to move away in order to look for your greater good. This may mean that you have to move away from your family, and loved ones.

    You have to reassure your family that you will not abandon them, and that you will always be thinking about them. The best that you can do is to let them know how much you are grateful for your upbringing, and all those good moments that you had together as a family.

    You should also let them know that you have to be look for your own independance as you carve your own space in life.

    When you are away, communicate with them often, and you will see that everyone will get accostumed to the new situation.


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