
I have to oscars, one white on and an tiger, can the breed

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i have a red tail catfish about 12-14inches, and three oscars about 7-10inches, in a 90gallon tank. i have notice that one of my white oscar and the tiger Oscar have been hanging out a lot and been bullying the other white oscar to the side. the two Buddy's have been pic king up rock andmovinge then around, i was wounding if they w***e making a bed, and if they could breed together.




  1. Yes, they can breed with each other.  White oscar (an albino) and tiger oscar are just color varieties of the common oscar, Astronotus ocellatus.

    And it looks like you have a pair that is searching for a spawning site.  You can add a piece of flat rock for them. Observe them carefully, and be prepared for any eventuality by doing some research on their spawning habits.  

    For now, I suggest you place a divider in the tank to separate your other fishes from the probable pair that will become more aggressive.

    If your pair do spawn, it may be difficult to predict the colors of the resulting fry seeing that you do not have the same color pair.  Genetics has got a lot to do with this.

  2. Yes they can: Here is why

    Same with humans different colors and races. But same species.

    Same species can reproduce no matter what color they are, for example Betta fish.

    Good look.

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