
I have to pass adrug test and i'm dirty?

by  |  earlier

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Anyone know any tricks on cleaning my urine over night. What about carrying clean urine, how do i keek it warm?




  1. Drink as much water as you can possibly stand until the day of the test. On the day of the test, drink a red bull energy drink about an hour before the scheduled time.  This helped me pass my test in a 3 day period.

  2. A person I know says that if your urine is too clear, they can violate you.   You have to have yellow urine so they don't think you are purposely flushing your system.

  3. Ok yea yea yea dont do drugs  blahhhhh blahhh to eaches own. Anyway try Niacin they can be brought at any health store and flush your system with Cranberry Juice (old trick but still work)    =)

  4. guess your screwed!  i'd like to know where you think you are going to carry it and hope it doesn't leak.  Besides, no matter where you keep it if they check the temp they will know.  You should think about what you are doing and really look at if it is worth it.  If the interview is for a job, well, you better keep looking.

  5. you can go to any head shop or vitamin store and they sell stuff over the counter to get clean.

  6. you could keep it in a small container so you dont look suspicious carrying a thermos

    and dont do drugs before a drug test!

  7. You're in trouble! Even some of the tricks could put you in the hospital or could even be fatal. And depending on whether it is for parole or school there is really no chance that you can hide clean urine!When you do it for parole they will check you before you enter the bathroom, and in some places people have to stand in a room with you to make sure you don't sneak anything in. Also in the case that you get caught you could get in huge trouble! Even worse then having drugs in your system. DONT DO DRUGS and you won't have this problem!

  8. Strip detox drink works well so does water.If this is for a drug test and you dont have 48 hours Purified 16oz. Instant Acting Detox Drink has worked for me. If you have 7 days and want to be completely clean and not just fool the test or have a window of time theres these pills called Completely

    clean which had me clean after 5 days but i would suggest the full 7 days.

    If you have any questions email me

    Just remember water water water

  9. thermos but make sure you clean it before its next use

  10. You cannot clean your urine overnight.

    You cannot carry clean urine and keep it warm enough, even if you can conceal it inside your body.  Urine comes out of you at about 97 degrees, and even if you carry it internally (in a body o*****e or in your mouth) it still won't be warm enough.

    My healthcare students are urine-screened.  Some pass, some don't.

    If your drug of choice is pot, minutes after taking a hit of marijuana, your body efficiently stores THC in your fat cells, where it can remain for months, being excreted a little at a time to show a dirty UA.  Most other drugs (amphetamines, opiods, etc.) remain detectable for at least 5 days.

    I know this isn't the Answer you're looking for, but it's at least a truthful one.  If you fail your UA, this might be a good time to stop using drugs and get help if you need it.

  11. well, i've heard that if you drink cranberry juice it detoxes your system. when my friend had to take a drug test, she took this pill called azo (it's for urinary tract infections.) it detoxes your system but it makes your pee orange so take it the day before. she passed :)

    just try to drink lots of liquids to flushout your system.

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