
I have to pay my rent in 3 days or quit, is there any kind of resources I can call?

by Guest44685  |  earlier

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I have to pay my rent in 3 days or quit, is there any kind of resources I can call?




  1. I actually work for a company that provides housing for low income tenants.

    General term being "welfare" (the politically correct term is different everywhere I think - here it's the Ministry of Income and Employment I think?).  As much as a lot of people hate turning to this, there shouldn't be any shame in it because if you've got no where else to turn to, they're willing to help.  And the matter of the fact is, you gottah pay your rent, they gottah collect money, and that's where you should turn to if you've got no one to help you and you're not working.

    If you are working and don't get paid yet, you could also go to Money Mart or something similar to get cash advance.

  2. Try calling your landlord if you sincerely believe your money will be showing up shortly....

       Offer a "stipulated judgment" with a promised move out date.

       This minimizes legal costs and uncertainty costs for your landlord. If you do not complete payment of rent on an agreed date certain, the landlord will be allowed to submit the judgment and have you legally removed in the shortest amount of time (7 - 15 days in most parts of California)

        This is a desperate move and not to be lightly considered unless you have great certainty that your money will arrive by a date certain.

       Good Luck.

  3. You're credit card company would be one, or your family.

  4. You don't say where you reside.  In the United States there is an state organization called the Department of Social Services.  If you qualify (based on your income), they will provide financial aid so you won't have to move.

  5. Pawn shop

  6. I'm in the same sort of situation but I'm not quite sure what you mean by "quit". Do you mean move??? I'm going thru everything I've got and selling, pawning, etc. Also, borrowing money no matter the amount from family members and such until I get something else figured out.

    I broke my foot recently and am temporarily out of work with no pay. As far as any government assistance. I don't know of any that will help with that. I believe some Church organizations could help but it would depend on the situation and they give as they feel it's truly needed. Good luck and definitely let me know what happens.

  7. first talk to your bank and arrange a temporary authorised overdraft or talk to your landlord/lady ,don't keep them in the dark it would make things worse .If you have time see the citizen advice bureau who could talk to your landlord or bank on your behalf .maybe offer to pay a higher amount of rent next month onwards to spread this months payment out.

    Alternatively call the ghostbusters!

  8. You have to ask for help. Call your parents, friends, co-workers. There's nothing wrong with asking for money as long as you pay it back. Don't be too proud , one day you can return the favor.

  9. You obviously have a history of late payments. The best thing you can do is quit.

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