
I have to read a book for school, how do i stay awake reading it?

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summers over in about 2 weeks and 2 days and i have yet to really start reading it. when i tried to read it i couldn't pay attention to what i was reading and then i fell asleep. XD I usually like reading, but this book is just terrible. Anyone have any good tips on how i can read a boring book and actually pay attention to what i'm reading? and plus i'm being tested on it the first day of school. -____-;




  1. Get up early..maybe 5am. .take your book to a table or desk. Set a notebook next to it. Read the introductory material. It will explain what the book is about. Skim the first chapter. Write down what you think are the important ideas presented. Write down any words you don't know the meaning of. Go through the whole text the same way. Stick at it until 7am.  In the early evening, 7pm, start again. Use your dictionary to learn the meaning of the words you didn't know. Now, start again at chapter one and read it carefully! Correct or add notes to your notebook. Write one sentence to explain what that chapter is about. Do one hour! No radio, phone, email, games or TV. Good students spend 27 hours a week studying! Join them.

  2. Well so you have probably tried forcing yourself to focus. so all i can really suggest is skipping a few pages until it seems interesting. Like the first chapter of the first harry potter book was so hard to read. i literally read the first few pages 50 times. i eventually got through that chapter years later just before it became a movie by forcing myself to read it and after that chapter it got so much better. so yeh just keep on thinking the book can only get better.. you dont want to not read a book that could be potentially exciting just because the beginnning is bad. Good Luck with the test xx

  3. you could see if there is a recording of the book- some have the book on cd...

    or. if you have the time and patience, read it out loud to your will remember what you read and stay awake...depending on the book, you could do different voices for the characters etc....

  4. first,find a suitable place for u to read.Then,think about your aim why u need to read the boring book. Before u read every chapter, take a look at the exercises provided at the back of the chapter.In this way, u will know what exactly u should read and know.If u feel sleepy,try to take a piece of paper and draw or write what u have read and understand.

    (sorry if I use broken English)

  5. Read standing up.

  6. Drink some coffee...umm coffee....

  7. drink coffee..nd try n not study on makes u feel sleepy.


    they have summaries and quizzes on books. it really helped me when i was trying to read pride and prejudice lol.

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