
I have to read a classic for my language arts class?

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And I need help picking one out. I am almost 15 and so it would need to be one to fit my age group (no Black Beauty, Isle of the Blue Dolphins). Thanks.




  1. The Tale of Two Cities.

    Little Women. My favorite book.

  2. The Adventures of Huck Finn by Mark Twain or Kidnapped by Robert Lewis Stevenson.

  3. Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck.

    I was dubious when i started reading it; i'm more of a teen romance kinda girl, but the book was awesome. Short too!

  4. To Kill A Mocking Bird by Harper Lee

  5. The Giver.  I did some searching and found this url

    I wish they had this stuff around when I had to read for school.

  6. I agree with the answerer above me: Jane Eyre.  It is a great read and totally appropriate for your age.

    Normally I would suggest Crime and Punishment, but I think that might be torturous to a 15 year old.  I highly recommend you read it in a few years though.

  7. The Great Gatsby?  Of Mice and Men?  Little Women?

    Those are all great books!  

  8. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas is my favorite classic. The great Gatsby is my least favorite...blah and yuck!

    Dracula by Bram Stoker is pretty good too!

    H. G. Wells is pretty fantastic also, I don't know if you have a page limit or not, but his books are little. The Time machine and War of the Worlds are good stuff.

  9. jane eyre!  

  10. If you like romance, go with Jane Austen. If you want something a little more contemprary, try John Steinbeck. I recently read The Moon Is Down by him, and I loved it.

    Besides that, you've got Harper Lee, George Orwell, Homer, the list goes on...

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