
I have to recruit a certain quota for my job?

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Penelope MY JOB WAS DEVELOPED because of a study that said low income people are catching CHRONIC DISEASES at an accelerated rate so my job is to infiltrate at the grass roots level to help people cook- some dont know how. Im not trying to generalise or sterotype anything- im saying my job is to recrit and train x amount of people...but x amount of people are saying NO THANKS.




  1. Get a new job.

  2. If you leave your job in september after getting the write up AND after not getting the quota, the write up will stay on your reference for that job, which future employers will probably hear about if they call that place for a reference. Mabye you could discuss with your employer support you might need to reach the quota.

    Or you could evaluate how satisified you are with the job and go from there. If you do get the write up, you might be miserable in that job afterwards, as the bosses might be watching your future performance, possibly giving you more write ups. Me personally, I would start looking around, keep my options open. Write ups are usually a sign. Good luck with this.

  3. What are you recruiting for?

    It's your choice to look for another job.  You don't like how they treat you, quit.

  4. I used to be a telemarketer, and quotas were an essential part of the job. That's the main reason I left. Now I work as a data entry clerk, and as long as I get s__t done, they don't care about actual numbers.

  5. Try to enroll new mother's, tell them it is valuable info they could use for their children. This may help. Also you could tell them that they could learn to get more bang for their buck at the grocery, fresh produce is much less expensive then processed and much more healthy. Good luck. I think that you job is too caught up in numbers, they need to be concentrating on helping those in need.

  6. what makes you think, or gives you the right to think that a person who is of low income does not know about nutrition?

  7. If you think that you will be unable to meet your goals you should talk to your supervision before you fail to meet them.  If you can't come to some equitable terms which are possible for you to perform you should reconsider employment there.

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