
I have to report for jury duty tomorrow, can I bring a book to read?

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I have to report for jury duty tomorrow, can I bring a book to read?




  1. you should bring your pillow, blanket, and teddy bear, and if you need a good book to help put you to sleep you can bring that too.

  2. Sure.  Most of the time you spend there will be spent waiting.  You'll be bored to death if don't bring something to read.

    If you park nearby, you might also bring snacks and lunch to get at break time, because eating out would likely be very expensive.

  3. If you wanna be dismissed from jury duty, you better bring something to distract you. Laptop, Game Boy, something. And every time they ask you a question, say "what?".

  4. trolling we will go.....

  5. Sure!  You can read it while  waiting , but once you go into the court room, you must leave it behind.

    But do bring it along.

    You maty spend 1/2 the day, (or more) waiting.

  6. Not Advised. NOT ALLOWED!

  7. Yes, but not if you are juror  while a trial is in progress.

  8. Based on my multiple jury duty times, you should bring several books, a deck of cards, lots of snacks, lots of change for the vending machines, because most of your time is going to slow and dead, just sitting around waiting to be called, then POSSIBLY selected for a jury, if not simply sent back to wait until the next cycle.

  9. Sure.... but if you read while you are supposed to be paying attention to the trial, be prepared to spend some jail time... you'll have plenty of time to read there.... between visits by Bubba that is...

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