
I have to run a mile the day after tomorrow...any tips on getting ready and getting a good time?

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I'm not fat... it's just that I haven't been able to run for about two years because of a knee condition. my knee just started getting better and not hurting last week, and on thursday (i have TWO DAYS!) my gym class (at school) was told that we have to run the mile the day after tomorrow. Since I haven't been able to run for a while, my mile time is pretty bad. How can I get a "good time" (well for me at least) i want around 8-9 minutes. is this possible considering that I haven't run for a while? do you have any tips that can help me get better, like eat something specific RIGHT before or certain stretches?

and how can i push myself to keep running the whole time?

is there any way that I can keep my breath under control, like not out of breath too badly?

just any tips on getting a good mile time when I'm not good at running? like what i should eat for dinner and breakfast... just everything you know about getting a good mile time! like EVERYTHING! thanks sooo much!




  1. i had the same problem with my knee i play football so just go for a jog tonight and pick out those songs that make u happy and crunk

  2. Day Before Race: Run about 20 to 30 minutes at a comfortable yet not slow pace. After about 10 minutes do some striders. Pick up the pace to faster than you want to run your mile for about 20 seconds. After 20 is up, run your original pace for 40 seconds. Repeat this Strider about 4-6 times during your run. They loosen your legs and prepare them for faster speeds. Right after this run, eat a lot of protein, like chicken, eggs, any kind of meat really along with pasta for carbs. Eat more than you think you will need, just don't overdo it.

    Day of Race: Depending on what time of day your race is, I would suggest eating a PBJ sandwich about 2 hours before you race. If you have more than 5 hours from the time you wake up til the time you race, I would suggest eating a breakfast rich in carbs and protein such as bagel or cereal with a banana.

    Also, remember to drink lots of water throughout the day and the day before the race. Good luck! Just don't be nervous, you'll do fine!

  3. I recommend you go running for a mile tonight just to see how well you do. Don't worry, a mile is very easy. I don't think you should listen to your iPod because that might be distracting. Just concentrate and breathe deeply, at a constant rate. Just run as hard as you can and sprint the last lap.

  4. Well, to get your time lower will take some determination. The best time, I think, to run is early in the day or towards the evening, but then I live in Texas where it is always hot.

    When you warm-up, you'll want to jog alittle bit, mabye 200-300 meters, then do some static streching, like high-knees and butt-kicks. After you do those, stretch a lot. Hold each position for atleast 10 seconds.

    When you run, don't sprint to begin, just make it a nice easy jog at a good pace, about 2 minutes per lap. That's about 30 seconds every 100m. When you get to your last lap, pick the pace up a bit. Once you get within 100-200 meters of the finish line, run with everything you have left. I like to think that once I finish, I get water and can leave. It helps me towards my goal.

    Then, once you are done, you'll need to drink lots of water and cool-down with some more streches.

    Also, don't go into your first mile thinking your time will be in the lower 6's. You will need to run more than once a week. Try for 3 times a week. You don't need to run a mile everytime, but at least try to get a good workout. Every little piece helps in a mile. :)

    Oh! As for the breathing, try as much as possible to breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. It helps keep your breathing under control. If you start to lose your breath, as amzaing as it sounds, holding it for a couple of seconds always helps me. Good luck!

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