
I have to spend a week with the most irritating man I've ever met?

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My family know I'm suicidal - so they've all gone on holiday without me and to their credit didn't leave me home alone... if they had I think I'd have ended it all already. Unfortunately, they've sent me to stay with my mum's ex-boyfriend.

The problem with this is that he is the most irritating man I've ever met in my entire life. As I'm typing this I'm sitting on the sofa relaxing after just walking 3 miles to the shops to get the food shopping and 3 miles back with the heavy bags. He's saying to me in his annoying voice ''Harriet, you need to get some sun on you''. To try and make him happy, I get up, open the window and sit next to it. He then complains again ''GO OUTSIDEEEE, get some blood running through those veins, man!'' I tell him I'm tired. He ignores me and carries on rambling.

A friend just sent me a message on msn and it blinked. He says ''You've got a message''

''Yes'' I reply.

''Why have you got a message?'' he asks.

I ignore him, and he asks again.

''Because my friend sent me one,'' I say, and turn the screen away from him. He doesn't get the hint.

5 minutes later, he tries to get me to eat some chicken off his plate of chicken salad he's eating for a late lunch. He knows I have OCD and that I can't eat meat and haven't been able to for years, but he still insists I eat it. He shoves it in my face. I push it away, it almost makes me want to throw up.

I know what you're thinking, it's not THAT annoying. But that was just 5 minutes of it. Imagine you're already suicidal and intent on killing yourself and you have some 40 year old bloke badgering you constantly when all you want to do is chat to your friends and enjoy what could well be your last week on this planet. Am I being too harsh on the guy? He's a bit of a loser, maybe I should cut him some slack... but I just don't feel like it.

How can I survive 7 days of this? He keeps turning off the internet and forcing me to do paintings, read psychology books written for people with a degree in the flipping subject and going on bike rides. He doesn't understand that just because he enjoys these things, it doesn't mean everyone else does... do you know what I mean?




  1. TBH i dont really get you. whats happened in your life that makes you suicidal?? I lost my brother the closest person to me but you get stronger dont feel sorry for yourself so much dear. Life gets better everytime. Dont take life too seriously. I know what you mean about the annoying man Ive put up with a few of em, your mum will be back soon and you'll be home. Just think, suicidal? What is that going to do to your family? Even if there is a good reason like you lost someone in your family dont you fink there all hurting too?? Stay strong darling. everything will get better, and please dont do anything stupid. You only live once. x

  2. Sounds to me like you need some serious counseling.

  3. Remind him you cannot eat meat....tell him your parents will be upset.

    Spend as much time as you can either in your room or out walking.

    It is only a week.

  4. wait till he is asleep then go and stay at a friends house or o b&b

    or tell him to go and f*ck himself

  5. If you can't beat em, join em. Put down the computer (why be on it when it's the 'last week of your life'?) and sit down with the guy and make a ridiculous painting of something. Heck, it may just make you laugh. Go on a bike ride..see this beautiful earth one last time before you depart. Humor the guy and be good company. Have some stupid fun. Then when the week is over, go get some help for your depression. That's my advice.

  6. hahaha he sounds just like a very sweet man..

  7. Wonder how this bloke feels about having a precious 16 year old to stay with him for a week?

    At least he is making an effort. Sounds like you need to get outside of yourself for a bit. Try going with his suggestions. It's only seven days, after all.

  8. He's trying to get you to buck up, and who can blame him?  It can't be a bag of laughs for him, babysitting his exes kid with problems!  One week out of a lifetime is nothing, think about those people out there with real problems such a life threatening illnesses, financial instability and bereavement.  It's him I feel sorry for.

  9. Put some earphones in & completely ignore it. Dont you have a room you can go to and just lock the door?

  10. Give the guy a break!  He can't help it, he's sort of dorky.  Try the things he's suggesting.  Like you said he doesn't take no for an answer, so why waste your time complaining.  You might enjoy yourself and if not, he may back off a little once he see's your at least giving his suggestions a chance.

  11. Keep a diary on your PC. Write down your thoughts as they happen. Make sure it is password protected. If the weather is good get out of the house. Walk if you want to or enjoy the garden or surrounding area. Do you know people in the area? Go and see friends if you have any. Share your thoughts with your on-line friends. Go to the local library and read the local and national papers. I guess you cannot borrow books from the library so go and read one there. Start reading a series of books that interest you. Go to charity/ 2nd hand shops and buy books to read, you can go anywhere and read, escape into the author's world. Suggest you avoid the goth stuff, can give you a bit of a downer. Try and find something amusing about your baby sitter, that is clearly what he thinks he is as he does not regard you as an adult. E your mates the daft things he says and does. If he makes you eat meat, spit it back onto his plate and see how much that amuses him. Make it quite plain you are an equal and an adult. Don't take any sh*t from him, but don't go over the top with ripping the p*ss out of him. I guess he might think he has the sh*tty end of the stick, he is an ex BF isn't he! If you have a CSN keep in touch with how you are feeling. You have clearly had a tough time of this all, stay on this subject, create a blog, don't become isolated. ;-)

  12. wow. (((i read da whole thing))) that is annoying.i mean. im not suicidal but...he is annoying. maybe yooh should just talk to him/ur parents/sum1 who can talk 2 him about it. ((((yooh should be suicidal fyi...... itll lead yooh 2 like REALLY bad things))))  

  13. He may be a little too aggressive in his approach, but he just wants to keep you occupied and involved with activities so you won't obsessively dwell on suicidal thoughts. You have to learn to open up more to what life has to offer or your mental/physical condition will further deteriorate.

  14. Stop being polite, tell him to back off and leave you alone or you will top him never mind yourself. People who can't take a hint irritate the h**l out of me and I tend to become very rude and to the point.

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