
I have to straighten up my apartment give me some tips on letting go of junk I don't need?

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I save everything and when I clean I know I can toss twice as much, how do you let go of stuff you really dont need? Thanks =0)




  1. As far as your clothes go, my wife and I have a "One Year Rule."  If we haven't worn something in over a year, we give it to a Thrift Store or Resale Shop!  You'd be surprised how much closet space you are taking up with clothes you never wear.

  2. OMG!  I started doing that yesterday and it's wearing me out but it's worth it.  Get rid of worn out stuff you don't wear or need.  I have stuff I haven't worn in five years thinking I'm going to wear it some day.  Studies say that we only wear 33% of our clothes.  It's up to you to give things to friends, Goodwill, charity, or a resale shop.  Do the same thing through the rest of your house and you'll be surprised how good you'll feel and how much room you'll have.

  3. I always find that having a yard or garage sale makes it easy because of the profit incentive!  What I don't sell I pack up and take to Goodwill.  This way other people haul off your junk for you.

    Good luck!

  4. If you haven't used or looked at or worn the item for a year, then GET RID OF IT.  Divide the items into piles to give to charity or to throw in the trash.  Take the items away as soon as you are done sorting.  Out of sight out of mind.  You won't miss them, believe me.  Good luck.

  5. Any memories associated with things can be difficult to let go of.  Ask yourself, Am I better off with this? or will he/she be mad if I let this go?  

    I like the not used it in a year rule to.

    Also helps to think of the $$$ a yard sale can bring in. Helps overcome any emotional attachments

  6. DONATE, DONATE, DONATE!!!  It will ease the pain of letting things go, when you know that you are doing something Wonderful for someone else!!!  It is addictive though, so remember to keep a couple changes of clothes and things for!!!

    EDIT:  quick tip...put things to be donated in your car immediately!  This gets it out of your sight, and then, next time you go somewhere, just drop it off...done!

  7. I also use the 1 year rule.  If you haven't used it or worn it in a year then get rid of it.  

    As far as straightening up the apartment I use the "table method."  As I go thru, anything I don't know what to do with or does not belong in that room goes on the dining room ( or kitchen) table.  When I am done I then sort thru that and put it where it belongs.

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