
I have to take a swimming class for a month!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I'm a freshmen, I have to take swimming for p.e. unless your in a sport& I'm not& I can't join anymore. I don't want to! I do know how to swim, I've taken classes. I'm advanced. But it sucks cause you do it with boys and you wear swim caps. And you have to shower before& after.

Any tips?! I don't want to do it, I'd rather break my hand to get out of it.

Here goes nothing,& we start next week.

&no nothing could get you out of it, except an infection, big cut, broken arm or leg, or your period but only for five days.

& I only know like two people in there.


God Bless.




  1. Sorry I have no advice.  I hated PE in 9th grade because we had to wear shorts.  I know for most people that's nothing, but I'm extremely white skinned and everyone made fun of people with legs as white as mine.  I don't tan.  The only thing I can say is you just have to try to put it out of your mind and just do it.  A month will go by fast.  Could be worse right?  Could be a whole year of swimming.  I know it's hard at that age, but next month when it's over you'll be so glad and you won't even remember why you were so nervous.  Good luck to you!!

  2. Get a decent bathing suit and suck it up.  You're all in it together, and however bad it is, remember it could be worse.

  3. say you have tubes in your ears...? my sister did and she could never do swimming because she'd get terrible ear infections.  you might need a note for that though... um...  do you HAVE to have a note?  if not- wear a brace on your wrist and say you sprained it...  if you do...  how good are you at forgery lol?  just dont get caught lying becuase the reprecusions would suck!!!  good luck.

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