I am leaving my relationship of 4 years this sunday... We got 2 cats about 2 during the relationship. The first one we got almost 2 years ago and the second one we got about 6 months after we got the first one. Now that I am leaving, he is a little bitter. He has agreed to keep the first cat that we got, but not the second one. He says because he did not really want the second one and I did that I should be the one to take him. The only thing is that my mom is allergic to cats and I have to take him to a shelter I think. My dad has offered to let me keep him there but he has 4 other cats that have claws and they are putdoor cats, so they probably have fleas. Plus he does not keep them up to date with the vet, and some of them have gotten really sick in the last couple of years. My cat is a fat, declawed, happy indoor cat. He is afraid of his own shadow... literally!!! I am afraid that he will not like the other cats, and also I had planned all along to live with my mom. My dad smokes pot (which I dont agree with), his wife is a mooch, he lives in a small trailor and smokes cigerettes so it smells like smoke. He has no cabel and I am a student so I need the internet and I dont think that he would be willing to get it. I just never really got along with my dad and he thinks that because I asked him to keep my cat that I was going to be living there. He went out and got a bed and everything for me. I told him that I was not going to be there every night and he was like "so what are you going to do with the cat"... I told him that I would buy the food and the litter and I would give him some money to watch him. His wife does not work and they already have 4 cats... what is one more? My cat does not even go outside so they dont have to worry about him not coming home... I just feel like if I keep my cat there I will be forced to live there, which I absolutly do not want to do. I have literally begged my soon to be ex to keep him b/c him and his sister are very close and I know they will miss each other. But he is not going to keep him. He could care less what happens to him.It will be very traumatic for him to drive 10 hrs with me to be dropped in a place that he is not familiar with... then to be around other cats??? I worry that he will be stressed out and I will have to take him to a cat rescue. I am just guilt stricken and feel so bad that I have to do this to my cat. He is just so sweet and nice and he is so smart... he is the best cat or animal that I could have asked for and now I am not only breaking up with my boyfriend but I have to seperate my cats because I absolutly cannot have both... Are the rescue centers nice? Do they treat the cats well? Am I able to visit him if I want if he is not adopted out? Am I able to take him back if he is not adopted out, assuming that I get on my feet again soon?